Dockeyhunt Hash Collision Attack

#### Introduction

A Hash Collision Attack is a threat to cryptographic systems that use hash functions to ensure data integrity and authenticity. Insufficient collision resistance of a hash function can lead to forgery of the original signature content, which compromises the security of various applications, including digital signatures and cryptocurrencies.

#### Principles of a hash collision attack

A hash function converts arbitrary-length input data into a fixed-size string called a hash value. The collision resistance of a hash function means that the probability of finding two different inputs that produce the same hash value should be extremely small. However, if the hash function does not have sufficient collision resistance, an attacker can find such collisions and use them to forge data.

#### Examples of vulnerable hash functions

Some hash functions, such as MD5 and SHA-1, have long been recognized as vulnerable to collision attacks. Moreover, even some algorithms from the SHA-2 family can be susceptible to similar attacks. The IOTA cryptocurrency used the Curl algorithm, which was also found to be vulnerable to collision attacks, as demonstrated in a study published on GitHub ( md).

#### Example of an attack on the IOTA cryptocurrency

The IOTA cryptocurrency used its own Curl hash algorithm, which turned out to be vulnerable to collision attacks. Researchers at the MIT Digital Currency Initiative have discovered that it is possible to create two different transactions with the same hash value, allowing an attacker to forge signatures and conduct unauthorized transactions.

#### Security recommendations

To protect against hash collision attacks, it is recommended to avoid using vulnerable hash functions such as MD5, SHA-1, Curl, and some algorithms in the SHA-2 family. Instead, you should use more modern and collision-resistant hash functions such as SHA-3 or BLAKE2.

#### Conclusion

A hash collision attack poses a serious threat to the security of cryptographic systems. Using vulnerable hash functions can lead to data tampering and system compromise. Therefore, it is important to select hash functions with high collision resistance and regularly update cryptographic algorithms according to the latest security research.

#### Literature

1. MIT Digital Currency Initiative. “Attacks on IOTA Signatures.” GitHub,
2. Wang, X., & Yu, H. (2005). “How to Break MD5 and Other Hash Functions.” EUROCRYPT.
3. Stevens, M., Bursztein, E., Karpman, P., Albertini, A., & Markov, Y. (2017). “The first collision for full SHA-1.”

Dockeyhunt Hash Collision Attack
